Sereth (Luthor) Mei


Sereth is the daughter of Erevis Mei and a Yuan Ti Abomination named Tathash Jarrarracussu. However if you were to ask her who her father is, she would tell you it’s the half orc, Katalmach.

Around the time Sereth turned 12, her mother left for a pilgrimage from which she never returned, with no word home since. Sereth grew up bitter against her mother for abandoning her, her father, and her brother Durgen.

When she was 16, Sereth went through the rite of passage of her father’s choosing, which determined she was ready to be independent. Once she had passed, she left home vowing to bring her mother back. However life outside of her parent’s protection was not what she expected, and Sereth was eventually captured by an exotic circus which was actually the front for an evil organization working towards domination of the continent.

Sereth learned quickly that Life is hard when you are different from everyone else, when you think differently or dress or act different. Gods forbid you’re a woman who thinks for herself. Even though she was never very strong, Sereth would always put up a fight when she felt like her boundaries were being pushed, for better or worse.

She worked with these people until they no longer served to better her. When she found the opportunity, she fled the organization known as the Roanoke Society to once again, search for her mother. Though not without consequence, for Sereth had seen too much in her time with them, and could not be allowed to live with that knowledge.

Artist Notes…

Sereth was an incredible character who ushered me through a really hard period of time in my life.

I feel like a lot of people who aren’t in artistic or roleplaying communities tend to overlook the fact that having characters who you invest time into, can help you grow as a person.

Sereth is an instance of this for me. She’s helped me through trust issues, anger issues, managing conflict in a healthier way, and even coping with failure.

Sereth’s story was full of betrayal and distrust, but somehow she didn’t die alone because ultimately someone gave her a chance when even she had given up on herself.

I could honestly go on for days about her, stories about her and good times had with friends (without whom I would not have had these experiences). Perhaps someday I will, but for now I’ll just stick to showing off the art, and letting you figure things out youself.

Desdemona Luthor


Erevis Mei


Salem and Dante Luthor Mei