Erevis Mei

Artist Note…
Erevis was my very first character made for Dungeons and Dragons. I had, of course, made other characters before, but I think playing as Erevis gave me a deeper understanding of developing characters in many aspects.

Erevis Mei

Race and Occupation
Wood Elf who has devoted her life to embracing one’s wild nature.

As a Druid, Erevis has the ability to shapeshift into animals all for the sake of serving her higher purpose.


Erevis was an acolyte in a temple devoted to peaceful shapeshifters, and those looking to pursue that way of life. She intended to spend her life there, however when raiders destroyed her home she was forced to find a new way of life to take care of herself.

Later in life, she settled for a while with her child and husband, however, as a wood elf and a young one at that, this was merely a phase in her life as her family was not nearly as long lived as she is. Once she had outlived her family, she moved on to go on a pilgrimage.

(Not my character, only the art is mine. Katalmach belongs to one of my friends)

Katalmach was a half orc Erevis met when she joined an adventuring guild for both protection, and to get back on her feet.

Kat started as her boss, seeing potential in her lighthearted personality, he hired her on to serve in the bar he worked at as both a server and a cook. Erevis ended up living full time in the upstairs part of the tavern, and spent most, if not all of her free time in the tavern proper, chatting up clients and providing for everyone.

Eventually, through many shared adventures and perils, fallouts with old friends and new bonds formed with others, Katalmach and Erevis grew closer until they eventually retired together, and set off to start a family.

Life with Erevis and Kat was far from boring or mundane however, even when Erevis bore two children, her soul could not bear to be tethered to one place, and the family often traveled together until it became too much of a hassle.

Kat remained when Erevis disappeared, to raise both of his children alone, and later on her started a restaurant, as cooking was his passion.


Sereth Mei