Salem Luthor Mei


Salem and her brother Dante are the children of Sereth and Desdemona. They were created through magic as babies using pieces from both mothers, and carried to term, with Salem being the oldest, and Dante being the younger sibling.


As children and into their adulthoods, Salem and Dante were always pushed by their Former-Adventurer Mothers. To Never rely on anyone for your needs, to always fight when you are able, and to do so for the ones who can’t fight for themselves. Salem grew up scared of the world, while her brother Dante wanted to take it all on at once.


Salem grew up to become a cleric devoted to the perfection of one’s craft. They took up blacksmithing, created armor for themselves, and pursued a life of recreational ring fighting. She adopted the title “The Couatl” and devoted her life to inspiring people. At some point in her life she joined a group of adventurers who helped save Waterdeep from threats within the city, and received an award from the Grandmaster for her service before retiring back to her mundane life. Settling down with a detective she met, and having two children.

Dante Luthor Mei

Sereth’s youngest child and practically her shadow, Dante inherited Sereth’s temperament as well as her poor decision making skills. This doesn’t stop him from being an incredible wizard with plenty of well informed knowledge under his belt.

Vincent and Dante both belong to my close friend, Marko, who conceptualized both of them. Only the art is mine.

Vincent Luthor Mei

Vincent is the husband of Salem. They met during Salem’s brief excursions saving the city. Vincent’s work as an independent Private Investigator made him a valuable resource and close confidant.. Not only this, but Salem found herself almost immediately enamored by his mannerisms and how he carried himself., she fell in love with how he made her feel. How he gave her confidence in herself. They married once Salem had retired from adventuring, and raised two children, Farren and Absolum. Vincent is not just any common man however, he is actually a devil from the nine hells, stationed in Salem’s home town to watch for threats to his kind. However, he is far disconnected from any other devils, and has been all but forgotten by them. He does not mourn this, however. He prefers the mundane life he has now, even if it is against his nature. He has a soft spot for stray cats, on top of all of this, and let Salem adopt one particular named Rufus.


Sereth Mei


Absolum, Leopold, and Farren Luthor Mei