First Post

So wow.
I’ve just published this site maybe 10 minutes ago, and I’m shaking with excitement. I’ve been working on it for around two or three weeks now, and I’ve poured so much love into this thing.

I’m very proud of it, and honestly I’m proud of myself as well. Pushing myself to make this website and put myself out on the internet for real, was a huge push for me. I’ve had my work up on public spaces before, but never my own space devoted to myself you know? And even though I think most of the people who see this will only be my friends and family, I hope I can push it to become more than that somehow. Maybe a place to put all of my projects so people who like my art can see it all in one place? I’m thinking I’ll add a section where I put a bunch of the resources I use, and I plan to add like maybe some of my own tutorials on how to do things on the blog here.

Mostly I want my blog to be a place where I talk about my journey both as an artist, a writer, and an adult who juggles those things along with responsibilities. I want to be open, and genuine, and honest with my thoughts and feelings.

I hope to inspire people to take jumps on their own projects hopefully, and also maybe get my own work to the people who would benefit from seeing it.

I’m thinking I’ll try to post on the blog maybe once a week, but I don’t always work on my art that often, so we’ll see. Maybe I’ll put brainstorming projects up here too! Maybe someone will find inspiration in something I do and make something super cool!

I had an idea for a few short stories today, or maybe a novel. I always tend to aim big with my projects, which is cool except for when you can’t keep up with your own expectations.
The idea I had was for there to be a sort of traditional world with fae in it maybe inspired a bit by the World of Darkness tabletop system. However, the fae world for whatever reason is becoming hostile to the fair-folk, and they are fleeing to our world.
Suddenly a world perceived as completely mundane is full of fairies, kappas, unicorns changelings, seelies and unseelies. And there’s so many of them they don’t have to hide, they don’t want to, and they’re integrating themselves into society faster than we can adapt.

Imagine the possibilities in that world? The things you could write about??
A changeling who’s human counterpart is suddenly back in the common world, telling their family that they’re a fake, or maybe trying to steal your identity back from a fae?

The Seelie and Unseelie court taking their unending feud with them here, still demanding loyalty from the fae. Clashing with modern governments, enacting strange magics in modern ways. Turning our laws on their heads as they dance around the wording.

Fae who make banks and write up the most excellent contracts concerning overdraft fees, or Fae who sell property but in the fine text it says you must dance in the rain once a month or the contract is void.

They’d flourish, I think. It would be a lot like the show True Blood.

That was my cool idea of the day, I think I want to try and write something about it someday, but I don’t actually write very much. It’s not nearly as satisfying in the short term as drawing is, so it makes it a lot harder to work on.

I will be leaving on a trip soon, I might post some pictures in my next blog post. It’s supposed to be gorgeous, I hope I see something that inspires me.


To Do List